
Showing posts from July, 2018

Function Hooking

Function hooking is a technique attackers use to modify/block/monitor original function calls and their intended purpose. There are a few ways to perform such an attack: Virtual Method Table hooking, Event hooks (ex: keyboard, implemented by Windows), Interception (by overwriting first bytes of the function with a jump) and Import Address Table (IAT) hooking (can be global or internal). This list in not comprehensive, but these methods are the most popular. Let's start with the relatively easy method: interception. To make it visual and simple to follow, let's apply this method to a small program which sums two numbers together and multiplies the result by 2: Once we compiled the program, we want to find magicSum function in the debugger: Here we can see, that after original setup, mathematical calculation is being performed and then we return back to the where this function was called from. In order to intercept this function we will allocate a memory block in the prog...